Stop in for a cup of coffee

I can get them out without a press.. not sure bout getting back in... i have a buddy like a mile away with a press, i just don't want to deal with him.. he's a GM engineer and won't even talk to me now that i got another mopar.. let alone actually help with anything.. we don't talk much anymore
That's a shame.
People take rivalry way too far. Its supposed to be in the spririt of competition in a good way, not as the evil enemy.
Heck its not even a rivalry anymore. Plymouth is gone. Dodge is largerly about trucks. Likewise Pontiac Oldsmobile etc.

Tell you what. John Heinricy, GM's director of performance, had no problem driving a Dodge Viper to prove they were as capable of wins as the Pheonix prepped Corvettes he was normally driving.
Lemme find some documentation. Maybe it will thaw the ice.