light group wiring harness
Kindof rushing this but if I'm reading this correct.
This is snap shot of the drawing page.
E Series = 1969
L = Dart
I *think* the harness you want is the top one, which includes a map lamp.
The number in the box is 16
But maybe also the lower one which is Lamp On buzzer wiring.
The number in that box is 19
Several pags earlier on C 2.0 is the key.
Box 16 => 2926 770 Assy-Accessory Lamp Wiring - Dart - All
Box 19 =>2926 822 Assy - Lamp on Reminder buzzer wiring - Dart
The boxes with letters them aer keyed on the page.
For example G is the map lamp. Note it has two possible locations depending on whether there is air conditioning.
Circled letters are wire colors.