2 sympathy stories...
#1 like you I was coming out of the attic and stupidly leaned my ladder against the wall rather than opening it.
It slipped and down I went BUT... both my arms were still in the attic and the opening was not much wider than my body.
So there I am hanging from my armpits, calling for my wife to put the ladder back up.
black and blue but nothing worse.
#2 changed a real truck tire (something by 16.5) so with left hand under the bottom of the tire I give it a lift and guidevit onto the studs with my right hand at the top.
A sound I will never forget.
left arm is no longer moving, wtf????
it is so weird seeing your arm at your side and thinking ok move arm move but it just sits there.
turns out I ripped the muscle in your elbow put off the bone.
it is the muscle that assists in rotating your hand 180 deg face up to face down.
no pain, it was he weirdest thing I have ever experienced
got the muscle reattached to the bicept. Looks funny but it works