Drove past my neighbors, he's out painting his bloody fence, stopped to chat and he's beaming (smile).
He's doing great, says he is sleeping wayyy better, he's got more energy, his shaking isn't measurable better than that initial improvement, but he is much more relaxed.
He pointed to the fence, said he'd been wanting to paint it for a coupla years, and had been looking at hiring someone, but felt so energetic, he's happily doing it himself now.
He told me he went to a function he had avoided for a coupla years, cuz of his condition, and lack of tolerance for idiots, but went this year, and really enjoyed it.
His wife is very grateful, as is he .
He also mentioned less pain, Which I didn't know about, but glad to hear .
He went to the sites I posted, and educated himself with others experiences, and gained a lotta knowledge.
This is not the first time I have introduced someone to a better quality of life.
If you have an affliction, please visit those sites, your quality of life will be better ! !
Cheers .