750 Brawler vs 650 AVS 2 at the track, right OOTB !

Something I have never understood, my motor is 410 CI and for the sake of argument say it is has 100% VE at 6500 rpm at WOT So the motor is flowing 410 CI /12 = 34.16 CF for every 2 rpm. 34.16/2 = 17.08 CF FOR 1 rpm. So at 6500 rpm, 6500x17.08=111,020 CFM!!! All fed by a device rated to flow 800 cfm????? What kind of voodoo magic is that????? I know the carb is rated at 800 cfm at a specific level of depression dry, but over 100 times more that it is rated for??
Your math is wrong. 1 CI = 0.000578 CF, to change ci into cf divide by 1728 but since were talking every 2 revolutions divide by 2 x 1728 so 3456, cid x rpm / 3456 = cfm at 100% ve.

But don't forget carb is only rated a certain cfm @ 1.5hg so if you want 1.5hg then 800 cfm would be your carb but most find that 1.5hg is overly restrictive.

reason for 1728 is you can't just divide by 12 it needs to be 12 x 12 x 12 = 1728, cause were dealing in cubic dimensions.