Favorite Family Heirlooms

I have a .20 ga Stevens shot gun my grandfather gave me.
He told me that the day he came home from WWII, he got to the train station early. Across the street there was a hardware store, and since he had time to kill, he went in.
He saw the shot gun and figured he'd need dinner, so he bought for $12.
Said when he got to his final stop, his mother was there, ad already had pork chops waiting.
He said the next morning he went squirrel hunting. Said it was the 1st time in a long while he was walking in the woods and looking for a "damned Nazi".
Then he clammed up, handed me the the Stevens, and told me he's never shot it. I was hoping he'd tell me more about his time in France, but he never did.
When he passed away, we requested his service records to get him a grave marker. That's when we found out he landed in Normandy, D Day plus three. Later he would be part of Pattons army during the Battle of the Bulge.
I'll make sure that my son get that Stevens. What he does with it is up to him, but I trust him to keep it in the family and tell its story.

My grandpa and his brothers were in the Pacific. My dad said he never heard a single one talk about anything they did in the war. I got a couple of his medals from his time over there.