Maximum RPM for 273 64 Dart
If factory stock 2 barrel 4,200 rpm, 4 barrel 5,200 rpm. I see no reason to run an engine past peak horse power. Another rule of thumb is 1 psi of oil pressure you need for every 100 rpm. so at 6,500 rpm you should have approximately 65 psi of oil pressure. The crank, rods, pistons, and valvetrain on a 273 will easily live to 6,500 rpm if set up right. You can also do power loops on a quarter mile looking at mph. Shift at the rpm that runs the highest mph with that set up. No reason to run to 6,000 rpm if it runs the same mph as it does at 4,000 rpm. 340 oiling add ons will give a bit of insurance. Windage tray and a high pressure oil pump relief spring, (45 psi to 65 psi)