Has anyone ported stock magnum heads and have the before and after flow numbers .???

I'm in no way saying this is a good or bad thing, strictly, oh, look at what I found is this accurate or helpful or what ?. I absolutely do not know enough to say yeah this is great or this is crap. I'm in research mode to select some heads, that's all. I posted here in a questioning mode, looking for all the info I can get on this.
You'd do better if you presented it that way. You kinda misrepresented it lol..and it doesn't read like a question. Glad you're researching and learning. You just learned those castings need x amount of work to be good. Now thats two accounts of the same requirements. That's soild useable information that you have and can apply yourself and make more power.
I too have seen that video sometime ago and complimented the work...as I know that took a min to do on that head.