I didn’t plan to try and bore the center of the crank to hold a pilot bearing with a hand drill. All I was going to try and do was deepen the existing pocket a little deeper so that not as much material would need to be cut from the shaft. The shaft measures at 3/4” and it seems to me that anything on the unsupported side of the pilot bearing could be the same or any size larger than the the shaft as it’s only providing it room to rotate nothing else. The thought of slightly larger would provide a little room if the hole is not perfectly straight and I highly doubt that it would be
There is 1 so called machine shop in the area that I live in. I would Not trust them to do any kind of work for me from past experience and I don’t plan to remove the engine from the car or the crank.
As far as cutting shafts. I will have this car until I’m dead and if a future owner or generation doesn’t like it that the shaft has been cut then they can purchase a new one like I did. Thanks again for the input