Name a movie you DISLIKED that most others really liked

superhero movies

Anything that remotely projects "woke" ideology ........... "strong woman" character ...........
Excellent points and I'll address them in order.
1) Superhero movies are OVERplayed. Done. Enough of these cheap and sleazy live action cartoons. These have been a cash cow for the lazy studios so the mindless idiots keep churning them out like episodes of a TV show.
2) Woke ideology themes and anything that portrays white people as aggressors and terrorists is divisive and only causes trouble. I'm not denying that atrocities occurred but opening old wounds never allows them to heal.
3) Yeah....."strong women" ....what the heck is all that? In this world, I respect strong women. I married one.
I understand that women need to feel strong and independent but The entertainment industry has taken it too far. They REmake classic movies using women in the roles where men were and when the movie tanks, they blame MEN for their failures.
Another example....The Walking Dead. I loved that show. I watched every episode numerous times BUT I take exception to their habit of putting women in roles as leaders of people and communities. My contention is that in a savage, uncivilized world, there is no way that women would command enough respect to rule over men. When there are no laws, the strength and ego of men would absolutely prevail. Sure, in a civilized world, women in leadership roles isn't unreasonable. You don't need brute strength to make decisions in the corporate world. Seeing a 110 lb woman ruling over a community is comical.