Stop in for a cup of coffee

I've been using my pressurized pot blaster outside to blast wheels and other parts that I want to bring to Carlisle. But it's been a PIA. I bought the red media from tractor supply, supposed to be the fine. It clogs up the nozzle about every 2 minutes. Big PIA. Want to do some more today as well. Now I remember I think I have a screen to filter out the bigger pieces. Maybe I will try that. I know I have the correct nozzle size. But when it clogs, I take it apart and there's usually a big chunk in there. Might be quality control problem on their behalf. I'll get back at it
It's always a good thing when you think you found the issue. Hopefully I can get a full tank of media out of this tank this time without having to stop 25 times. Lol

