After engine reinstall, first start up ends in disaster!

Ring around. Try Isky they might sell a pair; might need different length p'rods.
Yeah thats kinda what I thought just wasn't sure if it was ok to use a different set on just that cylinder? Also would like to be able to drop them in without removing the heads.
what kind of lifters are these?

Comp retro fit 8920 lifters
My machinist said he's completely avoiding comp lifters roller and flat tappet at all cost! Comp sucks.
Thats what my builder said as well but I had a set already so i used them.

So as I was typing this up I talked to Comp cams and they said they would take a pair from one of their sets and will send them out to me. Also said if I can show proof of purchase they will replace them for free so got to give them some credit on that. I just hope the quality starts to improve!