C'mon man

Like I said earlier. I didn't comment while at the show. Just thoguht to myself how bad it looked. So buying a car "that way" is an excuse to not make it somewhat right? Even if the guy bought the car the day before it doesn't take long to remove the handle from the column. Looked wrong from every angle looking inside the car. I can't imagine owning a 50+ year old car and not being somewhat mechanically inclined. With all the info you can find online it boils down to laziness.
When I first bought my GTX many moons ago, it had a broken center console in it, mounted very questionably, and basically cobbled in place. It still had the column shift lever in it. After pulling the motor for a repair, I decided to remove the console and return it back to column shift, but since it didn’t have the frame bracket to column lever, I had to seek it out. See what could be keeping this fellow from possibly doing the same?