Stop in for a cup of coffee

Okay old wise farts, I mean guys :lol:

Dilemma: I received a new job offer… this one increase my pay by 40 percent base pay and up to additional 20 percent of base pay in bonuses. However, despite initially being told it was hybrid, it’s not. It’s on site about a 1.25 hours away(current job is 2.25 hrs away each way but only on site two days a week). We lost our daycare abruptly due to retirement last month. Haven’t been able to source new and honestly, I don’t think we want too. There’s also some travel within the Midwest involved

Wife was onboard at first, now is not. Says it’ll take too much time away from home and not worth it.

I’m torn. The money increase is life changing for sure. But it would be a a sacrifice of family time. Plus I leave tomorrow for up 3 weeks for Uncle Sam medical ****
First of all it's always important to keep the wife happy.
Another job it seems like you change like the seasons and it's always a majority of the time is money.
I applaud you for wanting to do better but unless you're willing to move just stay a few years where you are.
You seemed to like this place and the management, and the wife is happy. JMO