Good Cam for 318

A water brake or even an inertia dyno is NOT for most driveablity issues. That’s not what it’s for. So why abuse a tool for something it’s not designed for?

It’s amazing the number of guys who think what happens at 2000 RPM is critical, or really even important. What matters down that low is mostly a tune up issue.

How well the engine transitions from the idle circuit to the transfer slots and then on to the mains is far more critical that torque. It’s mind boggling how guys get this wrong.
So to clarify, cars that what people generally call soft down low is from improper tuning? would make sense cause even a big cam low cr engines makes many times more than enough power down low to drive a car.

As for what your saying about torque would be like, If you take pushing your car as an example torque is like the force of you pushing, rpm is like the steps you take, power is both combined, and the more steps a second, quicker you go.