After engine reinstall, first start up ends in disaster!

Ran dragweek with my solid flat tappet, check it once a year. No Hyd for me ever. I chased a hyd lifter collapsing for a bit. Never again. Solids are not high mainteneance, plus it is like a physical for the motor each year. The lash opening up? Early warning sign. So the plunger rotated in the lifter body? Push rod still straight? Valve tips all the same height? You have plenty of piston to valve clearance? You have to be VERY careful the pushrod is in the center of the lifter. It can sit between the lifter body and the outer edge of the plunger. I will look at EACH AND EVERY ONE, multiple times to make sure before putting the covers on.
you know the good thing about problems is you learn from each one. I will definitely be planning for solids for any future build or if I have more problems with these. I kinda blew the rest of my budget on forged crank/rods and the lightweight flywheel/twin disc clutch.
I do wonder if maybe when my builder put the engine together he may of missed centering that lifter with the pushrod. I do know he said I have plenty of clearance. And yes luckily the pushrod is still straight.