Stop in for a cup of coffee

Today was weigh in day. You may or probably not remember I mentioned a few months ago I was working at shedding some pounds the right way. Since the first of the year, I'm officially down 25 pounds with another 6-8 to go.

A few weeks ago, I went and had a weight body analysis done. It was an interesting process. It's a machine that does an individual analysis of you based on your built weight, muscle, fat, water, etc... It basically kicks the current BMI chart to the curb. Interesting last week the AMA gave a statement saying the BMI standard, we've used for years is flawed because not everyone has a slight body built.

At the time of my test, I was 216 I'm 6'1 broad shoulder built...I'll never been a skinny guy. It gave a result showing I was within 9.9 pounds of my ideal weight based on my body built. I had 101 pounds of muscle with a 18% body fat (40 pounds worth). My segmental lean mass (arms, legs, and trunk) all exceeded 100% which is better than great. Oh, we're definitely made up of water I had 125 pounds of it...interesting.

For those of you that have kept the weight off great. For those like me that have carried a few extra pounds for a few years this wasn't hard to do. I just cut out 80% of the carbs I was eating and within a couple weeks I didn't miss them. I treat myself occasionally and still have a few weekly toddies. I still workout but I've always done that. Just do it you'll feel better and look better.
That is so cool Craig. I have always believed that the BMI standard was nonsense. It penalized me for a lifetime of weight lifting. Like you when I moved back home from Fargo I was determined to lose some of the Winter Weight that I gained living up there. I am down to 222-225 on any given day. I was just North of 245 while I was in Fargo. Lord knows I will never diet I just lowered my portion size and cut out nonsense carbs. I still eat bread pasta etc. It was really not that hard I just had to focus. My body feels much better for it. We ain’t getting no younger that’s for sure and dragging around the extra weight is a joint killer plus hard on the hydraulic system. Sounds like a very cool program to assess your bodies specific metrics. I am never gonna be a skinny guy!