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Doc wants me to be at 165lbs, I’m usually a bit over. Problem is most food I like is what I’m not supposed to eat. I have to look twice in the mirror to see myself
That is so cool Craig. I have always believed that the BMI standard was nonsense. It penalized me for a lifetime of weight lifting. Like you when I moved back home from Fargo I was determined to lose some of the Winter Weight that I gained living up there. I am down to 222-225 on any given day. I was just North of 245 while I was in Fargo. Lord knows I will never diet I just lowered my portion size and cut out nonsense carbs. I still eat bread pasta etc. It was really not that hard I just had to focus. My body feels much better for it. We ain’t getting no younger that’s for sure and dragging around the extra weight is a joint killer plus hard on the hydraulic system. Sounds like a very cool program to assess your bodies specific metrics. I am never gonna be a skinny guy!