Stop in for a cup of coffee

Agree we're two peas in a pod when it comes to body build. Funny in the Army my max weight was 203 I always had to tape at weigh in. I never had a problem doing that and for years scored 290 or better out of 300 points on the physical fitness test.
I felt a huge sense of internal relief...finally...when told my ideal weight was 206 and not the 179 the BMI chart showed. Looking at that chart over the years was nothing but frustration and wondering why I could never go that low. Keep doing what your doing!!

Yup... Had a guy in my squad who played college football. Linebacker. They taped him every quarter and tried to put him on the fat-boy program. He could carry a deuce-and-a-half on his back. Huge. Fought the fight but they eventually put him out. Ridiculous.