Edelbrock Air Gap Cheap Knockoff

So now this 323 makes the "same power" as "my" stroker? I'm gonna assume you mean the BluePrint BPC4085CTC.

That engine is advertised at 465 HP / 494 FT LBS. And thats MININUM advertised. With a dyno sheet and a 30 month warranty I might add.

Your 323 peaked horsepower at 427, and made 477, AND It had to wind clear out to 6500 rpm to do it, all while it stopped building HP at 5000. "Mine" is making near all of its torque by 2400 rpm.

In what world is a difference in 29 hp and 20 ft lbs "the same"?

I guess in the same sense that knockoff and the edelbrock are "the same" sure. Lol.

If you want to keep specifically quoting me every time I give my real world facts, and de-rail every thread mentioning intakes by demanding people read some contest from 2009, then go for it. Sorry you don't care for my opinions, but facts are facts and numbers are numbers.

Be careful Johnny. The guy you are arguing with will
Jump out like a snake and call you a liar.