U pull ripoff

I'm afraid the good old days are behind us. 20 years ago when my boys were young I took them to a scrap yard that was pretty far from city. And it was slimmer pickings. Today? The old Iron is gone. Last success story was more informational. I pulled an alternator for a Ford Excort GT my youngest sister had. They still wanted the core. So I brought her old one that was burnt up. She put a HI boost stereo system in her car and the alternators kept catching on fire. Even Ford dealership couldn't figure out why. I showed the counter kid the old alternator. And he said. "You have a bad body ground. Thus the increased load due to stereo is grounding back to the source." I looked at this 18 year old kid and thought. "He might be right." I then installed and grounded her car everywhere. Engine, batt, alternator to multiple body points. Never had another alternator fire again. But if she was blasting her stereo for awhile. Beware of touching the body of the car. You got a static discharge unlike anything you've experienced. (Other than a source electric shock.) But this even after an hour of sitting. Lol.

Just another garage story.