Stop in for a cup of coffee

Probably not enough to make any significant impact on the water table, But we had rain 3-4 times in last week. Grass has got some green in it again! But still nearly dormant, while some of the trumpet vine shoots were well over a foot high. I figure the weeds just suck more and more of the water from the grass as they get more leaves. So keep them low and grass has a better chance...

My lawn/forest is wet, but it is mowed down, 4 acres of oak and hickory, I would say 500 .. soon as it dries I will take advantage of zero dust, mowing when its very dry I wear a mask, ear plugs and glasses.
I hate mowing in a cloud of dust

I pretty much live by the rule of "Whatever God forces out of the ground, I'll cut off at about the 3" mark" Having lived in the desert (CO and AZ) I'm not caught up in the lush-green deal.

The bit of rain we had last week didn't seem to do much. Still powder dry