Disconnect battery when parked?

Can't group me in we (although I am human, I think. Jury is still out on that one).
Just ask my wife. I'll turn and walk away from what might become an argument before it begins. As far as this forum, I will do my best to show someone the error in their ways.
I'll go ahead and share one more reason why the neg' and not the pos' should be removed... A end wrench on a neg' battery terminal can accidently contact a metal chassis ground. No sparks. I saw a battery explode in a guys face because he had his wrench on the pos' cable end. A guy named Curtis and I grabbed the other guy by his legs and dragged his face all around in the sleet and snow. Damage to his face and eyes was minimal.
Great example of a danger that doesn't often play out but when it does, is really bad.
In that same category as sparking the battery vapors, is sparking gasoline fumes. Static electicity got Ryan Brown, a well respected and very experienced machinist and tuner. (link goes to Yellow Bullet forum as Speed-talk requires membership to read his post).
I'm sure you all can come up with others .