Disconnect battery when parked?

On an old car, when the ignition switch is turned off, then everything is really turned off. There is no draw on the battery- things are OFF! New cars are different. With multiple computers and loads of sensors and electrical stuff there is always something ON, maybe on a reduced level but still ON! This is why battery life on new cars is reduced.
Battery life took a powder with the introduction of maintenance free batteries. For a while 2 years was about it for most batteries even when driven daily. Long term storage on old vehicles was basically a matter of removing the key. Now the keep alive memories in ccoccomputer components of modern vehicles require regular use or disconnect the battery. Those draws will drain a battery in a month and when that happens a few times or it is left all winter, that battery is due for a funeral.
Other than tthe lithium batteries which worry crap out of me, newer batteries are getting better and seem to last a fair while if kept charged.