Disconnect battery when parked?

All the running current except starter go throught the ampmeter.

Alternator output circuit and battery output are joined with the main feeds on the alternator side of the ammeter.

Potential is in indicator of energy levels.
There is always voltage (energy available) in all of the wiring connected to the battery positive.
The alternator, when running, produces power at a higher voltage than the battery's energy can be stored.
This is how the alternator is able to recharge the battery.
It is also why lights are dimmer when running on battery (12.8 Volts max) than when the alternator is running (around 14.2 Volts).

Current is electrons moving. Just like the current of a river is water molecules moving.
The ammeter is normally centered because there is no current flowing through it.

The ammeter shows slight discharge during start because the alternator is not running.
The ammeter shows charging after start because the battery is drawing current for recharging
The ammeter has ZERO CURRENT flowing past the needle during normal running.