Fell out of the attic and broke my foot

That knee scooter looks gasser style now! Pretty disappointed to see an ugly uglyass foot and no cleavage! :poke: Did you show her your gasser scooter?
Be well and heal up!
Ha, I actually swapped the original wheels back on. The big pneumatic tires were great in gravel and dirt, but offered a lot more rolling resistance. Plus, the wider wheelbase made it harder to get around in the house. It was worth a shot... and yes, as much as I wanted to pull my phone out while she was taking off the cast, might not have been the most appropriate thing to do. LOL

Dang....they did have to splice a few places! I'm sure it was kind of a shock when they took the bandages off and you saw it. My wife's foot looked about like yours, and when they took her bandages off she was like :eek:. It will take some time to heal, so consider each new thing you're able to do a small victory. You will win.....I'm confidant!

Shocking for sure. It's weird, you don't see a part of your body for a period of time and then BAM....there it is all mangled and covered in dried blood.

Thanks for the support! You're right, it will take some time. Right now, my job is to make sure I don't screw this up by re-injuring myself.