Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning... so... cleaned and repainted my front seat frame the other night... the thing i don't get is how spray paint today is soo ****.. i have 4 cans i bought in the last few months, used one time and not a single one will shoot a speck of paint. I went over to my cabinet and grabbed a literally at least 23 year old can of black marine outboard paint and it sprayed perfect and looks way better than the new paints i bought (pretty sure that's just cause it's the marine outboard..) Just annoying...
Anyway, good morning :) I sub to some youtube channels that post really old/bad movies and this came up last night.. time to learn about the dangers of drag racing!

Good mornin' all c\_/
Just yesterday my junior showed me a new-fangled spray bomb (new to me anyway). I think there were 5 different spray patterns from a dial thingy on the can much like the adjustable garden hose sprayers. I wonder does 1 clog kills all?
My issue with todays spray paints is spray at any angle or can position. Life was better when we could turn the can upside down and spray to clear the nozzle.
I struggle to recognize just one thing that has gotten better over time.