Swinging for Divorce…

Doc you need what they call in Texas is a BIG *** FAN!! Heat index here was 118-120

Well if I get a shop I’ll do a mini split. Right now I just am using two el cheapo fans.

Isn’t this the prettiest steering column you ever seen… steering coupler is all rebuilt. Now just have to add the collar and turn signal switch. Oh I also gotta paint the coupler and the little plastic piece that holds the wires down on the column.

Dash is all done except for the little things like adding radio, harness, cardboard glovebox. Don’t want to add that stuff until later on when it get closer to install time. Worried that it might get scratched or messed up.

Right now dash has 194 incandescent lights in it… I already ordered some LED dash lights, in ice blue and in white. We will see which work best and look best.





