I had to remove the front K Frame to get good access for the firewall to floor welding. The floor is fully welded in at this point. I used 6x6 stacked lumber to support the car to make sure it wasn't going to fall on me. Support location is where doors seemed to line up open and close the best which is why the lumber support was placed where it was. All plugs welds were inspected and quite a few were drilled out, larger hole drilled, and rewelded to insure good penetration and structural integrity. Also added tack welds along rocker to floor and rear most floor areas for extra strength. 500 torque engine and 6 speed is going to want to pull anything sub-standard apart so extra due diligence was required. Goal was to get as much structural integrity out of the floor welding as possible. At this point a lot of confidence the strength is there.