Magnum 360 build. (HP/tq?)

My cousin grows apples. And no most top alcohol guys have teams that do all the work while they comb their hair for pictures.
How about if him and his wife and sons were the crew and manufactures is own blocks?

I'm not saying he's smarter, you probably know more about performance outside his class, my point is you made it if you don't race you can't have any worthwhile knowledge so with that logic higher levels of racing must make you even smarter. And I'm not saying I Know more than you but I can have nuggets of knowledge, humans have the ability to learn and me using grade six math and science ain't showing off cause how could basic math and science be thought as that.
If so that says more about you guys than me.

So you value hands on and race results good for you, I'd say most people with performance cars don't race and some like theory so everyone else way wrong that's a vary arrogant to view the majority of the hobby.

I like how you and the other one never gave any usable info in this thread.