Where do I look now

I tried to help and encourage Dan. Reading his replies as well as many of these other threads directed at him, I can only say it's hopeless.
While I dont expect my *** kissed , a simple thanks from him for me as well as others looking at cars for him would have been nice.
So many things here and in the past have jumped out at me with Dan and all I can say is there is no disgrace in not being able to afford a hobby car. There are just so many other things that outweigh being involved in this hobby
A person could still be involved in this forum, still go to car shows.
This is why I suggested a 4 door car. More affordable, mostly never abused or raced and you still get to be involved in the classic car community but sadly a 4 door was 2 to many for Dan.
I suspect the money is the major hurdle involved here. Twenty grand plus is a lot of dough when you dont have it in the first place and need to finance that entire amount.
We all realise that 20 grand or not isn't going to get a perfect car, mechanical or body and there lay another issue
Ive in the past told him my story of how I could sell my car, add another 25 grand to give me enough to buy a driver C2 Corvette or a GTO but the problem for me is even at 60 to 70 grand, id still have to put money into it to get it to were my 69 is presently body and mechanically and that I dont want to do
So for Dan to finance 20 grand and than have the very real possibility that his car still needed some work just isn't a financially responsible thing to do in his position
What bothers me with all of this nonsense, is instead of thanking people for helping and just saying I cant afford anything presently, we get this circle jerk or some complaining thread about lack of availability for these cars
I wish Dan well but he'd be much better off if he stoped arguing with people, was more appreciative for the advise and help and stoped bullshiting folks
Being honest, up front and showing some humility goes a long way in life
Good luck