451 overheating, even when moving

All good points

I forgot to mention, the guy I bought it from, got it 18 years ago and proceeded to make it street able again removed the roll cage, etc....

He would often take it out 20 to 30 mins from his place to various shows/meets and it never went past 210f on him.

But he's out in the country and it's pretty much non stop driving for him anywhere he went, whereas I brought it back to the city.

3:91 gears in the back could be a part of it, but I made sure to get that torque flight into 3rd as soon as possible after every stop and the rpms were always low.

I may get a pusher fan to add to the set up, the e-fans in there right now move plenty of air and the rad seems to be clear of any debris. Not enough room to use an engine driven fan so that's not an option :(

Timing is a good idea to add to the list, doesn't cost a thing, thanks!!!

Smaller water pump pulley and maybe a water pump when I do the t-stat.