What am i missing??..

Thanks for all the comments.

If you wanted to educate me, you could always PM directly. I would listen and respond.

Newbie? Yes. Owned my Dart for 6 years.

What does my age, marital status or bank account have to do with it? By the way, you missed on all three.

My internet search showed a rusty starter for $250 and a restored starter for $600. Apparently, I am way off the mark with my price. Lesson learned.

I joined this forum to learn about my car and buy and sell parts. It's been a great experience, so far. Thanks to all who have contributed to my education including Rusty. Several members have helped me directly, GTX John and 72 bluNblu. Thanks, guys.

Hoping you all have a great Fourth of July celebrating our great country.

Maybe for a 1970 date correct HEMI starter (if there’s even a for sure way to confirm that which I don’t know if there is for sure) the. sure. A 318 one, nah