What am i missing??..

As you'll notice, it's always the same smart*$$ knowitall's on here... Lol, can't imagine being that way, thinking your un-teachable or, what's worse, having the actually wisdom but being such a smug d-bag no-one takes it seriously where by missing out.
For the most part, this is a great and informative website. Just cause it say "Gold Member" doesn't mean "not a jackass" lol!
Hey, if you want to be an internet hero and call, people know it all's and smart asses and douchebags and smug and all that stuff, maybe you're better than me by saying that stuff..
You read the title? You read my post one and my post 6 back there?..
You said he explained himself or somebody did and I explained myself...
To keep this thread going in the negative manner...