Last one to post in this thread wins!

Interesting day My oldest grandson is 17 and the last 3 years he goes to Missouri and works for a farmer there.
He just finished his EMT training for the volunteer fire dept. Great kid been driving semi for before he got his drivers licence and I mentioned it before he's the grand kid that burned himself real bad with gasoline and spent I think 4 months in the hospital doing skin drafts at the age of 10.
Anyway today he's in Missouri driving semi for a farmer and slows down to turn right into the field off the main road and rolling hills there and he was at the down side of a hill and a guy was way over the speed limit rounded the top of the hill and plows into the semi. Grand son had to do CPR on him till the ambulance got there but the guy didn't make it, pronounced dead at the hospital.
Knowing my grandson he's taking it real hard.