Old pictures type of day

LOL! I pumpe dgas also in high school I was probably among some of the last full service gas station workers befor Pa switched to self serve but yes in the mid 80s there were still alot of nice late 60s cars around on the street. I remember a woman used to come in regularly with a 68 GTO convertible... Being around gas stations plus auto shop in vo tech probably why i ended up wrenching for a good number of years LOL! It was a good time for me I worked on both carburetors and was there for the fuel injection switchover LOL! I understand both enough to work on them LOL! I do remember in the late 70s people were bailing on v8 cars and they were inexpensive because of the gas shortages etc. I dint drive then but remember my mom could have picked up a Charger with a 440 real cheap but stayed away cause "its a gas hog..." I think she ended up with a 74 Comet with a 6 cylinder LOL!