Stop in for a cup of coffee

So today when I went down to the shop to show the Cuda. I haven't been down much the last 6 months with all the doctor Drama.
the neighborhood has degraded considerable in the last few years, but property values have more then tripled in the last 4 or 5. Go figure?
It's a residential, commercial area.
When I got there today I found out that a women , like a lot of neighbors there I've helped over the years. Had passed away. I could see it coming.
She had lost her youngest daughter 3 months ago O.D.
I got a phone call from her on that. can I help with the funeral.
It reall depresses me to even go there anymore.
Not that I'm really a great person, I can be that special Asshole at times. Sorry for the long winded post. Just kind of depresses me.
Sorry to hear my friend. Prayers