who has Doris Days' Barracuda ?

I'm condemning him for this and his thousand other whiny posts about how the A-Body hobby is too expensive. If you can stomach it, have a look.

Since he's never said specifically, we'll need to go by what the Bible teaches us and assume no. But since I'm not Christ, or even very Christ-like, what has that got to do with anything?

How about them?

Then why are you on this forum? Soley to proselytize?

Yes, Dan the man is a pain in his wishy-washy approach to advertisements and people trying to help him find a car. I don't see you tagging him in any car for sale threads.
No i am not here to proselytize. I was making a point on the value of each and every human on the planet.
I am calling you on acting like a dick when it is not needed.
Did you think to ask why he said what he said about that car in relation to Doris day?
I have been around cars and horseless carriages my entire life. There is nothing sacred about any of them, not even the popemobile. What was the lesson about the Ferrari at the end of Ferris Buhler's Day Off? Anyone? Anyone?

I am very deliberate in my choice of words. Notice I pointed out your behavior. I did not call you a dick. The difference may seem subtle, but it is significant.