Stop in for a cup of coffee

I love going shopping (when the weather is cooler) and just leaving the windows down in the truck while I go into the Grocery store.

My guess is your pup would enter launch codes and be a fur-rocket.... Mine sits with her chin on the window edge and stares at people
Hah! Yes she can launch both in and out of the truck when window is fully down. (Ask me how I know) If I Park the truck and forget to roll windows up I will come back out and she is sitting in the truck waiting. She decides something needs her full and undivided attention she bounces right out. She scared the crap out of me at the Vets last time. I was parked getting ready to take them in for check up and so had my head Down sorting paper work and she launched from back seat crashed into windshield tried vainly for purchase on dash (think old Warner brothers cartoon) then hit side window trying to say “hello” to a oblivious moron guy chasing his small dog that was off leash. He set little Fluffy down to pee and she bolted. Launch codes satisfied! Prey drive full on! Mals will be Mals, that is why there are so many rescue opportunities for them. She is really turning out to be a great partner. Very quick witted. And learns in one or two reps. But very much a handful. Jodi calls her the little terrorist, Hah!