And So It Begins....

Well, we all know a slant 6 will never be a V8, so trash talking the little motors is pretty childish, because people build them because they love them and love being different. It kills me every time someone new walks up to Vixen and asks before I open the hood.......318? 340? and then I open the hood after they've heard it idle in and the look on their face is utter disbelief. Kitty always says after they walk off still in disbelief "you just love that, don't you?" and I do, because they never expect to see DIFFERENT and they just did.

my wife & daughter get such a kick out of how many people have to stop & ask about our little 6. usually end up with one of 3 questions. how much horsepower? how quick in the 1/4? or how's the gas mileage? LOL We have more fun with this little car, than I ever did with the Big Block in the Dart. since I wont throw a cage or slicks on this one its a lot more of a handful than the big block was.