Reconditioning Factory AC Outlets

Have any of you ever done one of these before? I thought I would take everything down to the barest component and recondition them since the old ones were so nasty. The one on the bottom is as assembled, i.e. I never took it apart. The other one is a pile of pieces that it will take way more dexterity than I have to put it back together...SO many pins, holes, keepers, swivels, etc., etc., etc. I can see from the whole one how it is supposed to fit together, but I can't make all the holes line up with all of the pins on three separate rows all at the same time.:BangHead::BangHead::BangHead: At this point, I'm just thankful that I still have at least one still assembled so I have an idea at least as to how its supposed to go together.

If anyone has any bright ideas, I'm all ears.