Hughes STL5460AS-8 vs Lunati 40200913LUN cam
If you know the specs you’re after for what you’re trying to do you first look to see if a cam with a part number is readily available, such as listed in a cam companies catalog. Contrary to what many may say, it actually can be done.
All cams come off a rack, a bin, a box, a tote, a shelf. Makes no difference.
If you don’t see anything listed that suits then you call and order what you need.
If you don’t know what you need you call, they may have a cam with a part number already or they may select certain lobes they have and use a specific lobe separation angle.
Many companies have to grind your cam after you order whether it is listed in their catalog, or if they select the lobes etc.
That’s how it actually works in a lot of cases.
That someone calls it a custom cam or an off the shelf/catalog cam is irrelevant.