pinion angle

Here what is important. Set and make your adjustment while the car is on the ground for the pinion angle otherwise you will have twist in the perches. I tack weld a small square piece of metal next to the perch on bot sides of the car so the rear stays center while rotating in place.

SS springs have different arches from left to right side if hanging in the car. Make the angle 5-7 degrees down from being parallel with the shaft in the trans.

Example: If the shaft in the trans faces up compared to the level ground then the starting point on the rear should be facing down the same degree. If the trans shaft is level then then the starting point of the rear is level. The starting point for the pinion angle is the trans and rear should be running parallel. Then 5-7 down from there.

If you are running the older 002 003 springs. Jack the car in the center of the rear and level the front with the stabilizer bar in the front disconnected. When you let the rear down it should have lean to the left. This is race position. To level for the street look turn the left torsion bar up one turn in the front on the left side and install the end links on the stabilizer bar.

to race it remove one end link and take the turn out of the left bar.