360 Magnum Daily Driver (but fun too!!!)

I like the EFI of these engines. Every Magnum I took apart, even well over 100,000 looks great inside. EFI makes driving easy as heck. While I like carbs on my hot rides better, the MoPar EFI is dead dependable. I’d run it and never look back. Even better with an OD trans.

While carbs are favorites of hot rodding, I wouldn’t care what anybody said. It certainly isn’t a defining attribute of being a car guy or hot rodder. Anybody who would run that line, EFI isn’t hot rodding, is just lame.
Very lame.

Driving the hot rod car daily to and from work is awesome. My last long round trip for work was 50 miles one way. EFI would have been appreciated during the winter. Lucky for me, my ‘03 Dakota took over in the New York snow with its 4X4 abilities making snow driving in the afternoon rush hour(s) a much less stressed event.