Small block bottom build horsepower limit

A customer I met over the winter tried tubing his block and ran into issues. It’s not a fun job and I’ve done 3-4 of them. It costs me the price of two 10 inch pieces of 1/2 inch house copper waterline. He got frustrated and his local shop is bushing his block for I think he told me 450.00-500.00 which is cheap compared to the 600.00 plus I’ve heard. I have a block sitting here that my son ran 6.54 in and it needs tubed. I’ve been pushing it from one spot to another. I used smaller stainless tubing in the block I’m running now and I won’t do that again.
Forget that tube hassle. Send them to me and I'll bush them. Let's you set lifter to bore clearance that way also, rather than being stuck at whatever dimension your old block happens to be