Edelbrock springs 1406 and 1405

Ok, so I've discovered a few operator induced errors lol.
Idle screw barely touching nut for lokar throttle cable ballstud.
This caused lack of idle adjustability (transfer slots).
Not sure if this caused the fuel pooling issue at the air valves?
I left carb attached and removed air horn. Cleaned up, checked float drop and level and reassembled.
Swapped throttle return spring and Mcgyvered the throttle cable ballstud to attach where the return spring used to be.
Now 650 rpm in park,
22* inital,
14/15" vacuum(in park)
Orange springs
IMS out 1 1/4 turns.
Grandbabies for a visit and a buddy for some fishing took priority.
I'll take it for test drive later.


