Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning all. A very long day yesterday. We drove about an hour and played in a Veterans golf tournament. Every state has a Veterans Golf Association. Once you join and play three tournaments in your state you can then go anywhere in the nation and play in any tournament. They play some high dollar golf courses for a very reasonable price. Yesterday it was hot and a long six-hour round. The couple we played with both shot at 100 and played each shot like they were a PGA professional UGH!!
We got done and raced back home because I had a softball game last night. Cheryl elected to skip that, and I wished I could of also. I got done at 9pm headed home and collapsed.
Today is another day don't plan on doing much of anything. Of course, though tonight I'm playing golf with a buddy...haha!! I did do the weekly weigh in and down a couple more for a total of 37 pounds in seven months...happy happy!!