Stop in for a cup of coffee

So knowing this threads overall character as I do,I thought you might be interested in a local Arkansas favorite. The annual ******** festival! It is a hoot. The shirts and swag are over the top. See example. It is in Bentonville which is ironic to say the least. Complete with the famous “Undie 800” tricycle race. Yep the contestant wears nothing but underwear and race tricycle for 800ft. The standard wet tee shirt contest, topless sack race, ******** eating contest, ball toss, need I go on? The music lineup is actually very good, lots of bands, mostly country and bluegrass rockish. The State has stepped in and no longer allows the promoter to sell alcohol due to the adult type nature. Well……. For a ten dollar cooler fee ya bring in your own cooler filled with your favorite adult beverage ! What could possibly go wrong?
