Noob question; Installing intellitronix digital gauge, (tw: LOTS OF DUMB QUESTIONS)

What I see here, and double check this, is, the two orange up at left are your dimmer controlled dash lights

Violet is temp sender
Dark blue is ignition "run"
Blue/ white is fuel gauge
Grey is oil sender

That last diagram you posted you sure it is A body, and not E/J/ etc?
Yeah its for A body, this is the 2nd page.

How did you figure those colors? The diagram from mymopar is different than what the FSM says

Page 2.jpg

EDIT: I may have fucked this up. Allow me to make sure its for a Duster. Standby.

EDIT: EDIT: Yup, I am stupid. I am supposed to be looking at "V-L" d'oh!