Open car trailer vs enclosed

Well I got it moved… wanted an enclosed trailer but the place kicked me in the nuts and said “I can’t rent you the enclosed trailer because you don’t have a 3/4 ton truck….” Well… now apparently I need a bigger truck…

Let me be the one to tell anyone who wants to listen…. Get a winch! My whole body hurts… I thought I could get a little come along puller and be fine? Nope! I couldn’t figure out how to use it… I used my 2 big *** tow straps as winches. Little by little. The car is in its new spot, it’ll probably get moved around after we move in.

Oh we also got a new barn cat… that my wife and kids are trying to change to an indoor cat. It was stuck in one of my old lady patients engine bay this Wednesday. We haven’t figured out a name for her yet. Our house came with 3 other barn cats but they are 15-19 years old, we need some young blood out there.







